Invoice #746F5K2

  • Created At: 18 Dec, 2019 01:02 PM
Invoice To

Gregory Ander son

  • House #65, 4328 Marion Street
    Newbury, VT 05051
  • +012 8764 556


  • Invoice ID:66K5W3
  • Date:26 Jan, 2020
Item ID Description Price Qty Amount
24108054 Dashlite - Conceptual App Dashboard - Regular License $40.00 5 $200.00
24108054 6 months premium support $25.00 1 $25.00
23604094 Invest Management Dashboard - Regular License $131.25 1 $131.25
23604094 6 months premium support $78.75 1 $78.75
Subtotal $435.00
Processing fee $10.00
TAX $43.50
Grand Total $478.50
Invoice was created on a computer and is valid without the signature and seals.